[a] residential=> reading space[b] task lighting=> reading
[c] filiment lighting => floor lamp
[d] floor lamp with filament bulb
[e] this lamp creates an ambiance within the space and allows the user to complete the task of reading.
[f] this particular light creates a warmer space by enhancing the paint color and wood grain. It also allows you to see the details within the fabrics.
[g] i feel that illumination is very appropriate. i like the space
[h] to improve the space i would debate whether to incorperate lighting within the shelving unit.
[a] growth => mocking sunlight
[b] task lighting
[c] electrodeless
[d] large lamps that absorb light and mock sunlight into concentrated spaces.
[e]this lighting allows the growth of plants and gives them sunlight.
[f] allows its inhabitants to live
[g] i think the ilumination level is very appropriate and does the tast effeciently.
[a] traffic tunnel
[b] task/accent lighting
[c] solid state lighting
[d] solid light contained within itself
[e] the lighting guides ou through the space and allows for visual interest.
[f] the lights create a sense of repitition through the space
[g] i think the illumination level is okay, however it could be a little brighter
[a] commercial => food court
[b] this lighting is accent. it is used to create interest and mood.
[c] cold cathode =>linear
[d] linear bars
[e] these lights draw attention to the ceiling and provide a sense of signage.
[f] the colored lights reflect on eachother and create this purple glow in the space. the other materials do not stand out because of the intensity of the cold cathode.
[g] i feel that this space is overwhelming for a food court. i don't think that it's appropriate and is too over the top.
[h] i think the different colors could be reduced and not used in such excess.
[a] studio=>learning environment
[b] task lighting
[c] HID lamps
[d] pendant lighting
[e] the lights allow for easier visual identifications. they light the space well and are not distracting
[f] the lights create little glare. they absorb into materials
[g] i think the illumination level is very appropriate. it lights the space well and is not distracting.
[h] being in this space a lot, i don't have a problem with the lighting.
[a] classroom=> learning environment
[b] task lighting
[c] flourescent bulbs
[d] long bulbs
[e] the light source is fairly boring and dull and isn't lit very well.
[f] the lighting reflects off the surfaces and create glare.
[g] i think the illumination level is appropriate but the natural light produces more efficient light.
[h] for this environment, i would allow for more natural light.
Thanks for such beautiful article. But can u please tell us more about the wooden pendant with soothing and delight illumination. Flos Arco